Saturday, February 28, 2009


Sponsoring a student that attends the Gaviota makes it possible for him to continue to receive all the services offered through the association. You will be assigned a specific child and you may choose how much you want to be involved through periodic reports of the child’s progress, pictures, letters and/or e-mails.
The estimated cost for each child that attends the Gaviota is $140.00 U.S. per month and established donations provide approximately 1/3 of the funding for each child. Full sponsorships are $90.00 per month but partial sponsorships can also be arranged through deposits to Labor of Love Association’s Bank of America account. One-time donations are also gladly accepted.
Contact us for further information on how to sponsor one of these special children.


APNMI and La Gaviota are supported by donations from foundations and individuals interested in improving the lives of persons with disabilities and fund-raising activities. The Gaviota is registered as a private school and as such receives no government funds. The school does not charge tuition because the majority of the students come from families of very limited means. However, the families work together making tamales, holding bazaars and selling food at special community events to raise funds for the maintenance of the Center.
A tax-deductible receipt for donations made to the Labor of Love Association is available. Please contact us via e-mail for more detailed information on how to made your donation.


In January 2003 Adult services were initiated with classes for adults with special challenges. The program was developed to provide on-going support for the children of La Gaviota as they mature and to reach adults with special challenges in the community.
Classes are given in ceramics, sewing, card-making, and other manual arts. Social activities, personal living skills and physical education are also integral parts of the program.


An important part of APNMI services includes the distribution of wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, hospital beds, and other adapted devices for the improved care of persons with disabilities. The equipment is loaned to the patients with the understanding that it will be returned when no longer needed. The equipment is not sold, rented, or given away and most of the patients conscientiously return it. This equipment is fundamental to improve the quality of life for the individual and to facilitate integration in society.

Friday, February 27, 2009


When APNMI was established, its founders realized the need for interaction between families with similar challenges. This contact helps to increase the self-esteem of each family. The first activities organized by the association were parties and social events. These continue to be an important and ongoing characteristic of the group.


APNMI and La Gaviota participate in programs that help improve the social standing of persons with disabilities.
The participation of the association and its families in programs, forums, parades, fundraising activities and other community events helps bring about a change in the public’s perception as it relates to people with special needs.



A nutritious meal is provided every day using donated food from a government agency and local grocery stores. A local bakery has also donated fresh bread daily for many years. Each week a different set of mothers is assigned to prepare and serve the food. Classes and workshops on nutrition and food preparation are provided.


Donated infant formula arrives frequently from the U.S. and is distributed to the families to help supplement infants, medically fragile and/or tube-fed children and has positively impacted their health conditions.




Thanks to the generous donation of vehicles and fuel, transportation is provided for children and parents within a twenty mile radius of the school via wheelchair accessible vans. The fragile medical condition of many of the children makes this a necessary service to facilitate their school attendance.



APNMI’s affiliated school, La Gaviota, was formally licensed and accredited in 1998 for the provision of general education to children with disabilities from birth through age 18 and in 2003 was expanded to include an adult program. The school is having more influence within the educational and medical community each year. Local doctors are referring patients and more children are being enrolled as infants. The school has a current enrollment of approximately 45 children and 20 adults.


Therapy services: All persons enrolled in La Gaviota that require physical therapy receive daily group sessions under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. The student’s mothers are taught the necessary exercises for their children and are assisted by volunteers.


Home support and distance learning: A young Mennonite boy from a distant community receives his speech therapy and education at home using materials and an education plan furnished by La Gaviota. His program is adapted through continued evaluations and interviews with his parents.


Early Intervention: (birth – 3 years old): The Gaviota staff works with infants and their parents teaching methods of interaction and therapy designed to help improve the child’s cognitive and physical development. The parents are also supported in their adjustment to their child’s disability.


Preschool Program (3 – 5 years old): The children have classroom activities where they have the opportunity to learn, complete tasks, and interact with other students. They are also prepared to enter regular kindergarten whenever possible.


Special Education Program (No age limit): This program is designed for persons that developmentally will always need therapy and extra care. These are the children that remain a part of La Gaviota for their entire lives and are an integral part of the school family.


Adult Program (18 years and older): The adults enrolled in this program participate in educational courses and enjoy many social activities that include eating in restaurants, attending plays and concerts, and visiting the museum. They are learning to work as a group as they assemble greeting cards and create ceramic pieces that they sell. They are learning to manage their money and have earned their school uniforms.



The cooperation of hospitals, clinics, local doctors, and professionals in various medical specialties from the United States allows APNMI to coordinate and provide medical examinations, treatments, surgeries, diagnostic studies, and therapy to improve the its members' quality of life and facilitate their community involvement. Medical services have been expanded to provide treatment for persons of limited financial resources regardless of their affiliation with the association. Since 1998 APNMI has coordinated clinics in the following medical specialties: Audiology, Dentistry, Maxio-facial Surgery, Oral Surgery, Dermatology, Neurology, Optometry, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Podiatry, Pediatrics, Plastic Surgery, and Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy.

The medical and dental program continues to improve through the efforts of volunteer medical personnel, the medical coordinator, and the interest of local medical professionals. There have been several significant advancements in the medical/dental program.
The dental clinic in November 2008 was provided by a volunteer dentist and his team and 19 patients were treated with fillings and/or extractions.
November 2008 an opthalmology team provided 20 cataract surgeries for persons of limited means and for the first time the clinic's YAG laser was put into service.

The local opthalmologist joined in the efforts and on February 21 and 22, 2009 he performed an additional 9 surgeries.
A new program was initiated in February 2009 in association with "Baja Vision" an association that provides services for visually impaired persons. Patients that are not surgery candidates are referred to this program and volunteers from the association are now available during APNMI vision clinics.
12 & 13 MARCH 2009
An optometrist provided a vision clinic in March 2009 with the help of volunteers that included optometry students.



Other volunteers provided distribution services.
Over 560 patients were screened and used, re-conditioned eyeglasses were distributed according to their prescriptions.



APNMI/La Gaviota

On October 9, 1993, a small group of parents of children with disabilities in Mexico met to establish a support group for the purpose of improving their children’s quality of life. The association obtained formal legal recognition as a non-profit organization on July 29, 1994.
The mission of APNMI (Asociación de Padres de Niños Mentalmente Inhabilitados A.C.) and its affiliated school, La Gaviota, is to help persons with disabilities and their families bear the challenges incidental to their condition in the most positive way possible through the united cooperation and effort of the family.
